Monday 9 November 2009

Campione Italiano Freestyle 2009

Lo scorso week end si è disputato a Porto Pollo il Campionato Italiano Freestyle 2009.
Al termine della Single Elimination la classifica era la seguente:

1. Stefano Lorioli (RRD, RRD Sails)
2. Vittorio Mazzocca (RRD, RRD Sails)
3. Mattia Pedrani
4. Mattia Fabrizi

Le più vive congratulazioni a Stefano da parte di tutta la RRD Family, per lo splendido stato di forma che lo ha visto laurearsi campione italiano Freestyle sia del circuito AIWS/AICW, sia di quello CIWS!!!

Bravo Stafano!!!

Per visializzare le foto dell'evento date un'occhhiata QUI
Last week-end Porto Pollo held the final Event of the AIWS Freestyle Championship.
At the end of the only single elimination finished during the event, the winner was Stefano Lorioli (RRD, RRD Sails), who won the final against team mate Vittorio Mazzocca (RRD, RRD Sails).
During the semifinals Stefano defeated former Italian Freestyle Champ Mattia Pedrani, while Vittorio beated the youg talented Mattia Fabrizi.

1. Stefano Lorioli (RRD, RRD Sails)
2. Vittorio Mazzocca (RRD, RRD Sails)
3. Mattia Pedrani
4. Mattia Fabrizi

This way Stefano was Crowned Italian Freestyle Champion for both Italian Freestyle Tour (AICW/AIWS and CIWS) demostrating that he is Da Man for the 2009 Italian Freestyle season.

Well done Stefano and congratulations from all the RRD Family!!!

For more event action pictures, check it out THERE

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