break. We headed to the cliff in the morning to take Nayra's mum to
see it. Not massive Jaws, but pretty impressive watching the guys
paddling into it. Also Kai Lenny and Laird Hamilton were out on the
SUP's and catching a few of the lefts, again pretty impressive to see.
The Starboard team apparently sailed it later, with Scotty, Boujma and
Kev getting a few waves each. Hookipa was a bit of a mess, so Nayra
and I headed to Kanaha, where it was small, easy and a lot of fun. Had
about 50 waves which was nice compared with Hookipa which would have
been about 3! The next day was really fun though, with the swell
dropping a bit and the wind staying around. So far its been howling
windy everyday. It is forecast to drop a bit this week, but at the
moment its showing no signs of backing off. Thanks to Rossi from the
Tricktionary for the photo.

Posted By Blogger to News Blog on 4/04/2011 12:48:00 AM
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