Thursday 30 June 2011

Fabrice tips: The 360

The 360,

It has always been my favorite move.  It's the best feeling when you make it back into the waves and ride it out.  There are so many ways to do a 360 and there are many names for it: the Guscrew, the Carving 360, Aerial 360, the Mutant...  It has to do with the "angle of attack" and that is usually being decide at the last moment depending how the wave lip throws, if the wave is mushy or hollow, or if the wind is on shore or side-off.... The lip of the waves is what will trow the windsurfer back in front of the waves. There again timing is everything and the best way to master the timing is to practice.
This water shoot photo sequence was taken by my friend Francis Brewer and you can see more of Francis' photos on his web site at:

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